About the website -The Nakar family

The Nakar family was one of the important families in Baghdad, capital of Iraq.
Part of the family came to Israel in the 20s of the last century because they were Zionist.  My great grandfather Yosef Chaim Nakar and his son Meir immigrated
to Israel in 1928 out of Zionism and the desire to settle the land and especially Jerusalem.
All the members of the family who were still in  Baghdad came to Israel in the mass immigration of "Ezra VeNechemia"  immediately after the founding of the state in1951. There was very little work and making a livelihood was difficult in Israel. Yosef Chaim and his family settled in the Beit Israel neighborhood in Jerusalem. Yosef Chaim worked in the preparation of spices and his son Meir was a  carpenter. 
My grandfather Meir helped in  the actions of "Ezel". He was sent to strengthen the positions of  "Ezel" against the Jordanians, who were firing from the old city walls into Jewish neighborhoods. 

On the thirtieth of August 1948 on his way to fortify windows in the King David Hotel which were designed as firing positions against the Jordanians, he was  hit by a sniper bullet and died shortly after.
Grandfather Meir and his wife Farcha had eight children.
My father, Yehuda Nakar, studied the art of glassblowing in the early fifties in the Army Science Unit at the Schneller Center, in the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem. 
After his military service he studied artistic glassblowing at the Hebrew University, and in 1959 opened a small workshop in his parents' house in the Beit Israel neighborhood. There he worked with his brother, the late Eliahu,  in artistic glassblowing.  He became a world-renowned artist.

  • On my website you will find information and pictures about my family, who are part of the great Jewish Community of Iraq.
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